Colon Cleansing Kiwi Aloe Blend
When cleansing your colon, it’s best to take things very slowly. We have come up with a smoothie recipe that we think you’ll really enjoy while going through the “cleansing” process! This smoothie combines cucumber, kiwi and aloe (as well as other great ingredients) to make a delicious drink that is easy on the gut!
½ Organic Green Apple
½ Organic Cucumber
1 Organic Kiwi, peeled
¾ -1 Cup Organic Coconut Water
1 Thumb-sized Chunk Ginger Root (or ½ Teaspoon dried)
¼ Cup Organic Aloe Vera Juice
½ Organic Lemon or Lime, peeled (2 Tablespoons of Juice)
1 Tablespoon of Chia Seeds
Blend and Enjoy! Your colon will thank you!